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Theresa Records Logo

This was my first freelance design project where I created a logo for my friend's website. She is a digital media artist, educator, and traveler.

To figure out what to design, I asked my friend questions about herself to get key words that could help me visualize the logo. A logo maker website was used to automatically make different variations for inspiration and I referenced for icons, based off the key words. From there, rough sketches were drawn and she was asked to pick a favorite.

I started working in Adobe Illustrator with the design she picked. Since there were several key words, icons were added to the speech bubbles to illustrate more than one of her aspects, mainly related to digital media and travel. I referenced again to make the icons.

Eventually, she requested to add a small drawing of her. For reference, she sent me pictures of herself, and the first few variations were made. The difficult part was drawing her hair while trying to use the paintbrush tool. To fix this, I made sketches to try and mimic her features from the pictures. One sketch stood out to me (lower left in the sketch picture) and after making it in Illustrator using the pen tool, my friend was impressed.

From here, I worked on her outfit by trying to recreate some of her shirts, again referencing the pictures she gave me. She went for the one with the bowtie.

Next, she wanted the design of the speech bubbles improved. After a few tries, she chose the white rounded rectangles with added drop shadows.

The last tasks were to fix the mouth and icons. Many variations were made for the mouth and for the icons, she wanted to emphasize her traveling and teaching side, resulting in the cup of school utensils, globe, and clipboard. I also fixed the book to make it more even. After a while, she was very satisfied with the final design. By the end of this, I was very proud of myself for accomplishing my first freelance project.


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