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Movie Parody Poster

This project was one of my personal favorites in class, where the objective was to make a parody movie poster. My idea was to make something simple but strong and funny so that it would pass off as a legitimate movie poster. I ended up making a parody of Alien (1979) with the viral tide pod challenge.

For inspiration, I searched for movie posters with simple but classic designs. Also, knowing that the tide pod challenge was met with negative criticism, the right poster had to be picked that would highlight how bad it was. I decided to go with the Alien poster since the main picture looked like the center of attention, and I had an idea for the tag line.

With the Alien poster selected, sketches were made for how to make the tide pod challenge work within the poster. Since the original was already extremely simple, it did not take me long to figure out how to incorporate my idea.

After making the first design in Photoshop, it looked perfect. Helvetica was used for the title and tag line, which was a reference to how most people felt about the tide pod challenge. A picture of a tide pod was placed in the center and I played around with the color and saturation in order to make it look dark, as if it were in space. Finally, to make the bottom look like a tile floor that you would see in a laundry room, I found a tile pattern and made it dark to match the square holes from the original.


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