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KPOP-TV Street Fair Flyer

This is another flyer I designed for my internship with KPOP-TV. The flyer was for giving out at a street fair while tabling and promoting our network.

Because of the amount of information (given by my boss) on the flyer, I searched for other flyers that would help me figure out where to place everything. I also referenced some postcards and my own K-pop flyer.

After searching for examples, sketches were drawn. My first idea was to split the information and utilize both sides of the flyer.

The sketches were then made in Adobe Illustrator. The colors from the KPOP-TV cube were used. For the text, I was heavily inspired by our Facebook/Twitter banner.

After presenting the variations to my boss, he decided that the information should all be on one side. A few more sketches were drawn for this idea, while referencing the Asian Student Union flyers.

Back in Adobe Illustrator, one-sided variations were made. Eventually, my boss decided on the last design.

For the bottom text, I used Arimo from Google Fonts, as I was inspired by our Facebook/Twitter banner. The tracking for "24HRKPOP" was edited to look like the banner. At first, I made the text for "AMERICA'S 24HR K-POP STATION" also look like the banner's. However, I didn't want to copy it exactly. To fix this, I used the font Archivo Black, from Google Fonts, to make it look like a BREAKING NEWS title, as in the picture below. The "thanks" section was separated by a line, as my boss requested for that section to be "cut off" for future use. The QR code was provided.

For illustrations, my boss wanted a picture of a TV with our logo in it. To make it, I took a picture of my own TV and traced it in Illustrator. Just like the giveaway flyer, I wanted to include the cube. However, my boss wanted it to "look more like a cube," and sent me a picture for reference, which I traced over for the final design.


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